
Relief funds available to flood-affected football clubs

The Victorian area of Greater Shepparton has been affected by the recent floods. Photos: City of Greater Shepparton

AFL Victoria is monitoring the scale and extent of devastation suffered by many in the football community across Victoria due to the floods, including many grassroots clubs whose facilities and equipment have been severely impacted. We know how important local sporting facilities are in local communities and will provide support to ensure we get local football clubs back into operation as quickly as possible.

While many volunteers are still caught up with responding to the floods and the damage caused, affected community clubs can access initial immediate assistance grants of up to $5,000 through the AFL's 'Community Relief Fund', to help deal with emergency support. AFL Victoria is in the process of making contact with all impacted clubs and is encouraging clubs to make contact through AFL regional offices.

As the floodwaters subside, AFL Victoria will continue to work with local clubs and leagues on an appropriate response and direct support to where it’s needed most over and above any immediate assistance clubs have accessed.